We are very pleased about the many submissions for and lively interest in the IFS conference ‘Froebelian Pasts, Present & Futures’ 2025 in Erfurt, Germany! Here is some preliminary information regarding the conference. Soon, this and other information will also be available on the conference website.The conference will take place from 31.07.-02.08.2025 (Thu.-Sat.) in Erfurt.Location: Radisson Blu Hotel The conference rooms reserved by us are located at the Radisson Blu Hotel. In addition, we have reserved a contingent of hotel rooms, which can be booked until 29 March 2025 with the keyword ‘IFS Konferenz 2025’ for 129€/night through the hotel itself. (Preliminary) programme of the conference:…
University of Erfurt, Thuringia/GermanyTitle: Froebelian Pasts, Present & FuturesDate: July 31, 2025, to August 2, 2025Due date for contributions & abstracts: December 9, 2024Due date for papers to be included in the conference proceedings volume: September 12, 2025 Find more details here
In the context of the joint application for the kindergarten idea from the Fröbel district in Bad Blankenburg, Thuringia, the International Froebel Society Germany and the Pestalozzi-Fröbel Association, an image film on the topic produced by the german Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verband (pfv) was created and attached to the application.
Experts agree that high-quality early childhood education promotes the healthy cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of young children. Decades’ worth of evidence shows that the highest quality early education is child-centred and play-based. And yet, in many places, early childhood education today is dominated by skills-based, academically-oriented, test-focused teaching.We seek to change that.As an organisation of educators, university-based researchers, and early years providers, the IFS provides an international forum for the development of child-centred and play-based educational theories and practices, especially but not exclusively those associated with the inventor of the Kindergarten, Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852).
Our worldwide Froebel community will be pleased to learn of the new Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich Froebel, edited by Tina Bruce, Yukiyo Nishida, Sacha Powell, Helge Wasmuth, and Jane Whinnett. The handbook includes chapters written by numerous international experts and is available from November 2023. Readers of this website can benefit from the 35%-off discount code here, in the flyer. “Friedrich Froebel (1782 – 1852), the inventor of kindergarten, was one of the most influential educational thinkers of the 19th century. This book showcases the cutting-edge work being undertaken around the world inspired by this pioneer of early childhood education…
The Froebel Trust, a longtime institutional supporter and collaborator of the International Froebel Society, has published on its website a wonderful summary of the International Froebel Society’s 10th Biennial Conference. The summary, written by Sacha Powell, the Trust’s CEO, begins: ‘Participants travelled from around the globe to Ireland for the 10th Biennial conference of The International Froebel Society (IFS) held 15 – 17 June 2023. Maynooth University’s Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education hosted an outstanding programme of academic and social events. Student ambassadors and faculty members led by Head of Department, Niamh Fortune ensured everyone received a warm welcome and gifts, including…
The International Froebel Society’s Executive Committee is pleased to announce the naming of Grace Choi (left) as the Society’s new president and Prof. Dr. Andrea C. Schmid (right) as its new vice president. Choi, a longstanding member of the International Froebel Society’s Executive Committee, comes to IFS presidency with over a decade of experience in leadership and practice in Froebelian education. She is the founder of several Froebel-based institutions in China, including the International Froebel Society’s China affiliate (IFS-China), as well as Beijing’s pioneering Rainbow Kids International Preschool and Rainbow Training School. Thanks to her efforts, more than 600 teachers…
Maria Cooper: “Why does Froebel matter in the 21st century?” This article first appeared in the journal The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi 24 (1) 2022, where it was published (and is republished here) subject to the copyright provisions of a Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial) License.
The 5th Biennial International Froebel Conference: Froebel College of Education, Dublin, 12-14 April 2012. The 5th Biennial International Froebel Conference was held in Froebel College of Education, Dublin, Thurs April 12th – Sat. 14th with the theme of “International Perspectives on Froebelian Theory and Practice”. The conference was opened by Marie McLoughlin, President, Froebel College of Education, Dublin. Joachim Liebschner, author of A Child’s Work: Freedom and Guidance in Froebel’s Educational Theory and Practice (Lutterworth, 2006) and Foundations of Progressive Education: A History of the National Froebel Society (Lutterworth,1991) was unable to attend but sent a video message of good wishes…