The IFS is led by the Presiding Board and an international Executive Committee comprising practitioners, university-based researchers, early years providers, and others with a professional interest in child-centred early childhood education.
President Grace Choi, Beijing Rainbow Education Training School, China
Vice President Prof. Dr. Andrea C. Schmid, President of IFS-Deutschland, University of Erfurt, Germany
Acting Secretary Dr. Kristen D. Nawrotzki, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany
Current Executive Committee
Dr Tina Bruce, University of Roehampton, UK
Grace Choi, Beijing Rainbow Education Training School, China
Laoise Ní Chléirigh, Maynooth University, Ireland
Andrea Matheis, Germany
Dr. Kristen D. Nawrotzki, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany
Dr Yukiyo Nishida, University of Aberdeen, UK
Dr Amanda Norman, University of Winchester, UK
Sacha Powell, Froebel Trust, UK
Professor Dr Larry Prochner, University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Dr. Andrea C. Schmid, President of IFS-Deutschland, University of Erfurt, Germany
Dr Fengling Tang, University of Roehampton & Froebel Trust, UK
Yumiko Taoka, Ryukoku University Kyoto, Japan
Professor Dr. Helge Wasmuth, Mercy University, USA